Through the Public Protection Classification (PPC™) program, ISO evaluates the quality of public fire protection in more than 47,500 fire protection areas across the United States and assigns a PPC grading from 1 to 10. The rating system considers a number of factors when scoring a fire department including equipment, access to water supply, training and community involvment.

Insurance Services Office Class 4
Insurance Services Office Class 4
January 8, 2023
Public Announcement:
Osage Pleasant View Fire Department is pleased to announce that the fire department will receive a rating improvement to the ISO Class 4 Public Protection Classification for those homes located within 1000 feet of a hydrant or other creditable water supply, and Class 5 Public Protection Classification for those not located within 1000 feet of a hydrant, but located within 5 road miles of the fire department. This change will be effective February 1, 2023. Osage Fire Department was previously rated as Class 8b. The rating improvement is the direct result of investments in equipment and training provided by the tax payers of Mayes County and the dedication and time devoted by our Volunteer Firefighters.
ISO is a third party independent agency that evaluates the fire department, and rates results on a national scale from one to ten (one being the best and highest). According to ISO, its Public Protection Classification Program (PPC) plays an important role in the underwriting process with insurance companies. Most U.S. insurers use PPC information as a part of their decision-making process when deciding what business to write, coverages to offer, or prices to charge for personal or commercial property insurance. Insurance companies – not ISO - establish the premiums they charge. Whether a home owner's insurance premiums are affected by a particular ISO (PPC) rating is up to the insurance provider. With a Class 4 rating, many insurance providers give a discount on annual insurance premiums for residences and businesses. The ISO PPC program evaluates communities according to a uniform set of criteria, including nationally recognized fire service standards. An ISO Class 1 represents an exemplary fire suppression program, and a Class 10 indicates that the area’s fire suppression program does not meet the ISO’s minimum criteria. This grading schedule plays an important role in the underwriting process at insurance companies. ISO states that most insurers, including the largest ones, use PPC information for underwriting and calculating premiums for residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
The following community features are evaluated by ISO:
1. The amount of water necessary for fire suppression.
2. Emergency communications based upon how well the fire department receives and dispatches fire alarms.
3. Fire Department operations, training, responses, maintenance, capability, and
deployment of fire department equipment and personnel.
4. Water supply fire suppression.
5. Community risk reduction efforts, fire prevention and risk assessment.
We encourage property owners within our district to contact their insurance provider to determine if this rating improvements will result in a premium reduction. A map of our district boundaries is provided on our website.
Estimated Savings Example‐ Homeowner
In the following example, if a homeowner pays $1,000 per year for fire insurance in a class 10 rating, then on an average:
Class 9 pays $930, a savings of 7% over a class 10
Class 8 pays $720, a savings of 28% over a class 10
Class 7 pays $680, a savings of 32% over a class 10
Class 6 pays $650, a savings of 35% over a class 10
Class 5 pays $630, a savings of 37% over a class 10
Class 4 pays $600, a savings of 40% over a class 10
Class 3 pays $580, a savings of 42% over a class 10
Class 2 pays $550, a savings of 45% over a class 10
Class 1 pays $530, a savings of 47% over a class 10
This rating improvement recognizes the commitment, dedication, hard work, and efforts of our Firefighters to provide quality all‐hazards emergency services to our community, staffed entirely by volunteer professionals. Such a high rating is an external, third‐party, confirmation of the outstanding services our staff of Volunteers provide to the people of the Osage Fire District.
Jerrad Dill
Jerrad Dill
Osage Fire Chief
Click the link below for the announcement letter